Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where are zoos and aquariums located around the world?

    There are two places that have good listings of global zoos by country:

    I would recommend asking zoo experts near you about their marketing and business management decisions. Please see our home page for a list of regional partners.

  • Do you provide scholarship opportunities for students seeking university funding?

    No, the International Zoo Educators Association does not have a sponsorship program at this time.

  • How do you submit proposals for review?

    The International Zoo Educators Association (IZE) is frequently asked to review and endorse conservation and research projects involving conservation education and visitor studies. This endorsement is helpful when requesting to work with IZE member institutions.

    Due to the time commitment to review proposals, all proposals must be submitted in a time frame that allows IZE a minimum of 30 days to review the proposal. If approved by the IZE Board of Directors a letter of endorsement will follow.

    In order for the IZE to review a proposal, a near final draft of the full proposal is required along with proof of institutional support for the principle investigator. The proposal should include:

    Project Title
    Summary of Project
    Anticipated Benefits of the Project
    Design of the Project
    Methods and Materials
    Qualifications of Project Personnel and CVs
    University’s Human Studies/Ethics review board approval (if in-person interviews will be conducted)

    Please submit proposals for review to the IZE Administrator at

  • Which zoos and aquariums have educational programs?

    Members of the International Zoo Educators Association are dedicated to providing outstanding educational experiences for their visitors. To learn more about the education all experiences of IZE members, please visit our Member Programs in Action page. This page highlights quality education programs of institutional members. From here, you can link directly to the zoos themselves. Also, if you are looking for programs in specific world regions, you might want to visit zoo education regional sites. These regional organizations are listed on our home page.

  • What are the components to a good educational program?

    Important characteristics should: engage the community and serve the zoo’s audiences; address and employ a diversity of perspectives; demonstrate excellence in content knowledge; incorporate learning theory and educational research into practice; employ a variety of appropriate educational tools to promote learning; deliver conservation messages and actions that affect visitor’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviors about wildlife and wild places; promote education as central to the zoo’s mission; set goals and measurable objectives and adopt strategies to achieve and document them; promote professional development within the museum community, promote a spirit of inquiry and openness to new ideas and approaches; influence public policy in support of zoo learning.